Sunday, February 17, 2013

Book Review - Lutradur

I am trying to work through my books... literally  I want to try out the techniques in the books and create a sample binder. I want to try to find my style.
The first book I have chosen to do is 

I have glance through this book several times but now I want to make up a sample book of what I can actually do with it. 

I have experimented a small amount with it. Mainly printing on Lutradur. But I did not read the instructions so well. If I had followed the text instead of the pictures... I would have know that if I put it through my ink jet printer I would have to treat the fabric - the spun polyester - to ensure the inks would remain stable. This can be done with Bubble Jet Set. 

I have had no problem with Bubble Jet Set on fabric. It just requires thinking ahead to treat the fabric or in this case the Lutradur and drying time before you use it. 

Or Lesley states you can use another spray product that will make it stabilize the inks. 

Here is a picture of one of the projects I have started by printing on the Lutradur with my HP printer. 
The sepia black and white photo is of my Grandfather, My Great Aunt and their cousin. This was taken sometime around 1920 or so. The picture is not dated. 
I first printed a piece of fabric with the picture on it and then layered the same picture printed with the lutradur and layered it. 

Currently this piece is sitting waiting for my free motion skills to catch up with it. I am also working on that. 

But back to the lutradur book. 
Lesley has a spot in the book where she suggests 27 ways to use the lutradur. 
Since I am on a budget (I am not working at the moment) I have pledged to not buy any supplies. So I am going to try to do most of the ways she suggests and leave a blank spot in my sample book for the ones I don't currently have the supplies for. 
This book is well laid out. Flows nicely for the most part. And suggests methods that would suit any level of art quilter or mixed media person to do. 

In March I will be sharing my experiments with my Fiber Art Guild in the form of a small workshop. This is a leap for me but has got me quite excited to play in the basement. 

Because of its layout I would recommend this book. It first has the 27 ways to use the product and then has some sample projects to work through. This is a great go to reference with its clear instructions and  great pictures. 

Since I want to use this book as a primer for skill development I am going to work through the first section and see where it leads. 

The book can be ordered directly from C & T. or any of the, indigo/chapters, local bookstore, some quilt shops. 
Do a search for lutradur and find the best place for you to get supplies. 

Have you ever worked with this product? 

Let me know your results. 


elle said...

This is a great thing you are tackling. I have had good intentions along this line and need to 'git er done! and this post is very encouraging. I haven't done much with Lutradur but I have some. Thanks for sharing all this.

Jo Vandermey said...

We will see how it turns out... Stay tuned. Friday is going to be my play day...

Sewing Empire said...

well, i want to appreciate your efforts. Keep up the good work mate. Also please share a book on the Best Sewing Machine For Quilting Under $500. TIA