Monday, May 2, 2016

How I approach learning from an on line class like Craftsy.

How I approach an online class like from Craftsy or any other online or in person class.

I have a tendency to watch the whole class before I start any work so that I can get a feel for the class.
Being bit of a geek I then print the class requirements and put them in a three ring binder that I have for classes I have taken. This is to ensure I don't lose the papers!

Then I use one of these

for each course I take. I am not expecting to fill up all the pages but they are so cheap at back to school time I stock up to use them. 

I write the course name on it and as I watch the video I write down the information I like to remember or any questions I may have. 

Craftsy makes it easy to stop the video and rewind to review again or to listen again to what you missed because the dog choose that moment to jump on your lap or the cat threw up a hairball! 

Samples I make and want to keep go into this book. Pictures I take of my process through the class can go into this book. 

Working this way helps me to remember. It is how I worked in school too. Write notes, transcribe them and find out what I didn't know or need to look up. 

I prep anything that needs prepping ie find fabric, supplies etc. 

Then I work through the class with the computer beside me to remind me what to do and my notes. 

This is what works for me. What do you do when you take an online class? 

How many do you actually finish? 

I have not been very disciplined. I have viewed all my classes but not finished them. Some I admit just are for me to do the project. But with my note taking I have learned valuable things from each class. 

I am hoping that accountablity to blog land will help me not only add to my skills but make me finish what I take. 

Craftsy has a sale often of which will be noted on the side bar of my blog. 

I am also going to add bloglovin as a feed option. 

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Hope you enjoy how I work. 


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